Friday, June 29, 2012

feet on the ground

There is nothing like stepping out of the airport into Vietnam. Immediately your nose is greeted with the smell of trash, humidity, rice, and motorbike fumes all mixed together. Most who smell it would crinkle their nose in digust, but to me it smells like home. There are people everywhere- waiting for someone.. waiting for no one.. I'm not sure, but it makes me feel famous every time I walk into the crowd with my weary feet and heavy backpack.

For the 1st time of the many that I have stepped out of that airport, I didn't feel the huge thrill of excitement or rush of nerves that I normally feel. Instead I just smiled with peace. So very clearly the Lord has determined my steps over the past 9 years of traveling to Asia.. and I am so ready for this month to come.

Caitlyn and I made it into Vietnam last night, slept for a few hours, and hopped on the bus to Cambodia this morning. We ate our first Cambodian meal for dinner (and I liked it!) and are sitting on the roof of our hostel enjoying the cool breeze together. I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be at the moment.
view from the roof of our hostel

To those of you that sent me off with letters, texts, voicemails & phone calls- I am so grateful. Your encouraging words gave me life and strength through long travel. Thank you! God truly gives me more than I deserve through you. :)

    "You go before me and follow me. 
You place Your hand of blessing on my head. 
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!" 
psalm 149

More to come soon..

Friday, June 8, 2012

Will you walk with me?

down streets that are dusty, as motorbikes zoom by, past fruit markets and rice stands..
Will you walk with me? 
into a country where just 30 years ago, civil war broke out and 1/4 of the population was killed.. 20,000 people. Mostly the educated and well-off.  A whole generation erased.
Will you walk with me?
through villages where families are selling children into sex-trafficking because they are that desperate. It is becoming normal.
Will you walk with me?
as I explore a dream God has so clearly planted in my heart- to open homes for children at-risk in Cambodia, to raise them up in a family where they are being taught the gospel and will one day be leaders in their communities, villages, in their country..all for the glory of Christ.

On June 27, my friend Caitlyn Chesney and I will be boarding a plane headed for Cambodia to begin exploring the possibility of opening Homes of Love Cambodia. We hope to spend some time shadowing an organization that is already established in-country, as well as meet with as many people working there as we can! There is so much to learn, decisions to make, and relationships to build. Caitlyn and I feel so unworthy of the task before us, yet so excited to be a small part of God's heart for His children.. and what beautiful children they are!

Caitlyn & I, Cambodia 2011

The last 2 weeks of our trip will be spend in a neighboring country that I have visited many times. :) We will join our church for the camp they put on every year for the HOL children there, and then we will travel around and do some interviews with the children & parents in their homes. It is always so special to set foot into the homes and be treated like family- I can't wait!

dinner in a home
There is nothing I would love more than for you to walk with me as I go to Cambodia and Vietnam this summer. If you want to get emails every time I update my blog, you can click "join this site" to the right.

You can also walk with me through prayer.  Pray..

-for favor with the people we are meeting with- both Cambodians and internationals working on the ground there
-for me as I walk into dark places again. My last trip there was very emotionally challenging for me and I want to be able to push through the emotions of what is around me so that I can effectively accomplish what I'm there to do.
-for clear minds and wisdom as we seek the Lord's heart for Homes of Love Cambodia
-for safe travel and good health

"but forget all that- it is nothing compared to what i am going to do. for i am about to do something new. see, i have already begun! do you not see it? i will make a pathway through the wilderness. i will create rivers in the dry wasteland." 
isaiah 42:18-19