Monday, August 29, 2011

one sweet hello, one sweet goodbye

in less than 48 hours, the friend i blogged about just 2 posts below this one is COMING TO VISIT!! to say i'm excited would be quite the understatement. :) it's hard to imagine a part of Southeast Asia walking around in knoxville.. meeting my friends.. stepping into my world.. but here he will be! he is coming, along with 2 other dear friends from California that were on both the Cambodia & Southeast Asia trips this summer. it is going to feel SO GOOD to be reunited! my heart is anxiously anticipating the crazy amounts of laughter that this weekend will hold.
if you are interested, my friend will be sharing a little bit about the story of his past and how the Lord is working through him in Southeast Asia now on saturday morning..if you want specific details, let me know and i'll get them to you! i'd LOVE for you to come meet him and hear his heart because it is something so special that my words could never do is a story that has changed my life!

as much as i'm rejoicing in my friend's arrival, i'm also very much dreading tuesday morning at 5:30 a.m... that's when my little sister heads off for her 8 month adventure to Hawaii and beyond. she'll be living on Kauai for a few months & then will travel to another country to love and serve the people there until sometime in april. i'm SO excited and proud of her for listening to the Lord and following His leading... but boy i am going to miss her around here A LOT. Carrie and I are 7 years a part, and shared a room for a good solid 10 years of our lives.. but it wasn't until i went moved out to go to UT that we became close. in the past 5 years or so, my sister has quickly become my best friend in this life. it's funny how God created us so incredibly different (she hated all things girly for most of our lives, which drove me absolutely nuts) yet we share the same love for the nations.

my little sister has more wisdom than any 18 year old should have, and she shares it with me almost every day. she hears the voice of the Lord, and she does what He says without questioning it.. she's always been that way. she has a heart for serving and loving people- especially the poor and especially children- and that heart stands firm on biblical truth & does not waiver. i know that God will do great things through my sister because i see in her a determination and strength that can only come from dedication to Christ.
 i want to be just like my little sister because to me, being around her is like being around Jesus.

I'm excited for you Carrie and SO PROUD of you.. I can't wait to see and hear ALL that the Lord will do.. I just wish I was going with you! :)

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