Friday, February 3, 2012

i hurt too.

for some reason tonight, i felt like sharing a video of southeast asia that caitlyn's brother nathan put together.. maybe i'm just missing pork & rice a lot :) or maybe God has my heart there for a reason, not sure.

there are a few reasons i love this video. one of them is because every time i watch i forget that my feet are currently planted in america and for a few minutes i'm back there again. i smell the dirt and trash, i feel the heat, it's all SO real to me for a moment. i love it i love it i love it.

another reason i love this video is because it's such a vivid reminder that people are hurting in this world. every shot, every picture, every angle shouts out of another's pain or suffering. PEOPLE NEED JESUS. the precious people in asia need the truth of the Gospel so much- they are trying to fill their loneliness with false gods, idols, evil evil things like sex and the trafficking of others, economic prosperity.. sometimes i just get overwhelmed with it all.

last reason i love this video? because God, in all His goodness and mercy and compassion, knows every single child's name in that video. while you and i see beautiful faces, God sees a name and a heart and a story. how incredible that our God comes down to be with us and know us that way.

"..I would not forget you! see, I have written your names in the palm of My hand." isaiah 49