One of the greatest issues in Cambodia is sex trafficking. The girls line up on the streets to sell themselves to whoever will buy them- I have seen it with my own eyes. We spent the past 2 days visiting organizations that work to help girls and women get off the streets but nothing became real to me until today. Today we went to Sway Pak- a village that is known around the world for trafficking children. You can feel the evil in Sway Pak when you walk down the streets. There, almost every children in RAISED to be sold into prostitution by their own families. Virginity is especially valuable and so most families sell their daughters at as young as 5 years old. A Cambodian proverb that says "Men are like gold, women are like white cloth" basically says that if men are dirty then they can be cleaned easily but once women are dirty then they are stained forever. This is why once women have lost their virginity, their family feels no guilt in selling them into the sex trade. They no longer have value in the eyes of their society.

Today in Sway Pak we walked down the dirt roads, past the very homes of the people who do this to the children. I looked past their doorways, saw their homes, looked into their eyes. My heart cried out- "Jesus, where are you? God, why does this happen? Please, Lord, redeem these people."
And then we turned a corner and all the sudden there were children EVERYWHERE. The dirt road was full of them.. running all around us, grabbing our hands and asking for candy. They reminded me of a street full of my students- little girls with innocent faces and little boys with wide smiles.. except they were all destined for a life of prostitution, slavery, a life without Christ. My hands were handing out candy and clicking pictures with my camera but inside all I could do was cry out to the Lord- "why? why? Help them Lord!" I wanted to stay be with them and at the same time I wanted to scoop them up and run. When it was time to go, I made it as far as the corner of the road before tears were streaming down my face. I can't describe the overwhelming helplessness I felt (and still feel) for those children. I can't explain how hard it was to leave them on that street knowing the life that they are going to live. It's terrible and horrible and unfair.
I have so much to process and understand and ask the Lord to show me.. but for now I know He is saying to me that I need to pray for those beautiful innocent hopeless faces I saw today. Because He has not forgotten them, and I now that I've seen them.. I'm responsible to pray. One of the places of rescue that we visited this week reminded me of this song, and it has become my prayer today:
I will change your name
Your name will no longer be called-
wounded, outcast, lonely, or afraid.
I will change your name
Your new name shall be:
confidence, joyfulness, overcoming one.
faithfulness, friend of God,
one who seeks My face.
Join me in praying that Christ will REIGN in this country.